Class Competitions
As the fair grows closer, we hope you can browse through all of the classes available to you and find something to spark your creative juices. Whether it’s trying a new recipe, taking a stroll with your camera, working on tractor pulls or growing new items in your garden, the Fair has competitions for everyone! Join us this year as we celebrate “Apple Trees and Honey Bees”. Although neither are native to Canada, both apple trees and honey bees were introduced by settlers in the 1600’s, they have become an integral part of today’s thriving agricultural industry. Join us September 20th-22nd, 2024 at our fair. See you there!!
Homecrafts President,
Kathryn Lynch
Rules & Regulations
For the full list of rules and information, please refer to our Fair Book
Exhibitors must submit their entry lists to the Fair Secretary no later than Friday September 13th, 2024
Exhibitors are limited to one exhibit per section
All exhibits must be the work of the Exhibitor and exhibitor ONLY
Exhibits must be brought to the hall either Wednesday Sept. 18th or Thursday Sept 19th. please view our Fair Book linked below for more information on the times to bring the entries in
No exhibits may be removed from the hall before 5:00 pm on Sunday Sept. 22. Any items not picked up by 5:30pm on Sunday will be left unattended in the foyer of the Dufferin building
While the society will take all reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of articles exhibited, but are not responsible for the value of any articles accidentally damaged, lost, or stole
7. The judges will use the discretionary power of withholding or reducing the prizes if, in their opinion, the articles exhibited do not merit them.
8. The prizes for Section Awards are given to the exhibitor winning most points. In the event of a tie, the most firsts in the section will win
9. While the Society will use every reasonable precaution for the protection of the public and exhibitors, they will not be responsible for accidents resulting in damage, marked or broken items and/or items that are lost
10. Exhibitors must comply with all copyright laws
11. Sponsorship is subject to change
12. It is recommended that due to the length of the fair, care should be taken regarding the consumption of all exhibited food products
13. Any exhibitor violating any of the above rules will forfeit his or her prize money​
Legend for Class Tabs
Truck & Tractors​​
Food & Drinks
Heavy Horse Show, Heavy Horse Pull, Light Horse Show
Beef Cattle: Open Showmanship classes, Open Conformation, Shorthorns, Herefords & Angus, Galloways, Any other breed & Commercial • Dairy Cattle: Showmanship, Holstein & Other Breeds, Special Awards in Dairy Cattle, Horseshoe Pitching
Poultry Open, Pigeons, Dove Show
Lawn & Garden Tractor Pull, 4X4 Truck Pull, Tractor Pull, Kids Pedal Tractor Pull
Grain, Commercial Hay, Field Competition, Plants & Flowers
Roots, Fruits & Vegetables, Wine, Baking, Rural Products, Canned & Preserved Products
Antiques, Quilts, Needlecrafts, Art, Hobbies & Crafts, Amateur Photography
Baby Show, Junior Work, Special Needs Students, 4_H Club Work, Fair Board Specials, Community Challenge
Classes 1,2,&3: Heavy Horse Show
Class 1: Percheron • Class 2: Belgian • Class 3: Clydesdale
1. Filly or Colt, foaled in 2024
2. Yearling filly or colt, foaled in 2023
3. Two year old Mare, Gelding, or Stallion. Foaled in 2022
4. Three year old Mare, Gelding, or Stallion Foaled in 2021
5. Brood mare or yeld mare
6. Best 4 horses shown on line, owned by one exhibitor
7. Single Percheron in harness
8. Single Belgian in harness
9. Single Clydesdale in harness
10. Span of Clydesdale horses
11. Span of Percheron horses
12. Span of Belgian horses
13. Best lady driver of a team of heavy horses. Lady must be 18 years or older and accompanied by a gentleman
14. Junior Driving Class - for persons under 17 years of age, must be accompanied by an adult. To be judged on driving & showmanship
15. Best 4 horse hitch, can be owned by more than one exhibitor
16. Best 6 horse hitch, can be owned by more than one exhibitor
17. Best unicorn hitch
18. Ontario bred and sired registered Belgian yearling filly
19. Stake class
20. Special Junior Showmanship
Class 4: Heavy Horse Pull
1. Light horses - under 165" girth
2. Heavy horses - 165" girth & over
Class 6: Light Horse Show
Light Horses - Hackney Horses & Ponies • Shetland Ponies & Canadian Horses
Canadian Horses
Classes 1-7 are shown on line
Road Horses
Carriage Horses
1. Canadian brood mare
2. Canadian weanling colt & filly
3. Canadian mare
4. Canadian stallion
5. Canadian gelding
6. Champion & reserve sects 1-5
7. Canadian junior showmanship. Youth 17 & under, NO Stallions
8. Canadian under saddle (English or Western)
9. Single Canadian Pleasure
10. Team of Canadian - hitched to suitable vehicle
11. Best Standardbred shown on line. Only one entry per exhibitor
12. Roadster team
13. Single Roadster to bike, 15.2 hands & over. Driver to wear silks. Conformation 40%, speed 60%
14. Single Roadster to bike, under 15.2 hands. Driver to wear silks. Conformation 40%, speed 60%
15. Roadster lady driver. Driver must be 18 years or older. Hitched to a bike
16. Roadster driven by a junior exhibitor, under 18 years of age. HELMETS MUST BE WORN
17. Single Roadster under saddle
18. Gentlemen's turnout, roadster
19. Single Roadster wagon, 15.2 hands & over
20. Single Roadster to wagon, under 15.2 hands
21. Roadster to Bike Stake
22. Roadster to Wagon Stake
23. Best Carriage horse shown on line. Only one entry per exhibitor
24. Carriage horse team
25. Carriage horse, lady driver. Driver must be 18 years or older
26. Single Carriage horse, 15.2 hands and over
27. Single Carriage horse, under 15.2 hands
28. Carriage horse stake
Harness Pony
Hackney Pony
Road Pony
Pleasure Horse & Pony
29. Single Harness Pony under 50"
30. Harness Pony stake
31. Single Hackney Pony
32. Hackney Pony stake
Under 52", Driver to wear colours
Shown to a 2-wheeled basket type vehicle
33. Open Road Pony
34. Road Pony stake
35. Open Pleasure Horse or Pony
36. Pleasure Horse or Pony stake
37. Junior Showmanship of a pony under 50" in hand. Open to youth under 18 years
38. Junior Exhibitor, Pony. Open to youth under 18 years. To be shown to a suitable four wheeled vehicle
39. Lady Driver, Pony - Must be 18 years or older. TO be shown to a suitable four wheeled vehicle
40. Junior Exhibitor, Road Pony. Roadster driven by a youth under 18 years. HELMETS MUST BE WORN
Class 17: Open Showmanship Classes
No Bulls • Exhibitor's age to be 21 as of January 1st, 2024
1. Senior: 17-21 years
2. Intermediate: 14-16 years
3. Junior: 10-13 years
4. Peewee: 9 & under
Class 18: Open Conformation
Shown by youth under the age of 21
1. Steer
2. 2024 Heifer - 3 months minimum age
3. 2023 Heifer, April 1 - December 31, 2023
4. 2023 Heifer, January 1 - March 31, 2023
Class 19, 20, 21:
Class 19: Shorthorns, Herefords & Angus • Class 20: Galloways • Class 21: Any other Breed & Commercial
1. Bull calf born on or after January 1st, 2024 Minimum 3 months of age
2. Bull born January 1-December 31st, 2023
3. Champion & Reserve Bull - Ribbon class
4. Female calf born on or after January 1st, 2024 Minimum 3 months of age
5. Female born April 1st-December 31st, 2023
6. Female born January 1st-March 31st, 2024
7. s/b Female born 2022 with her own natural born calf in 2024 at foot
8. s/b Female born prior to 2022 with her own natural born calf in 2024 at foot
9. Champion & Reserve female ribbon class
10. Breeders herd, a group of three animals owned by the exhibitor, both sexes represented. One exhibit per exhibitor, open to all breeds
Class 25: Overall Male & Female Champion in Classes 19, 20 & 21
Exhibitor's age of 21 or under to be determined as of January 1st, 2024
Class 26: Showmanship
1. Senior: 17-21 years
2. Intermediate: 14-16 years
3. Junior: 9-13 years
4. Peewee: 8 & under
Class 27 & 28: Holstein & Other Breeds
1. Female junior calf - born after March 1st, 2024
2. Female intermediate born Dec. 1st, 2023 to Feb. 29th, 2024
3. Female senior calf born Sept. 1st to Nov. 30th, 2023
4. Female summer yearling born June 1st to Aug. 31st, 2023
5. Female junior yearling born March 1st to May 31st, 2023
6. Female intermediate yearling born Dec. 1st, 2022 to Feb. 28, 2023
7. Female senior yearling born Sept. 1st to Nov. 30th, 2022
8. Grand & reserve champion
9. Pair of 4-H Dairy Heifers - 2022 & 2023 - 4-H heifer shown by a youth under 21
10. Progeny of Dam - 2 female progeny of same dam
11. Junior Herd - A group of 2 animals shown by the exhibitor
Class 32: Special Awards in Dairy Cattle
1. Supreme Champion Dairy Female
Grand Champions of each breed are eligible for this class
2. Bank of Montreal Trophy
Best pair of Dairy Heifers 2015-2016 4-H project. Shown by a 4-H youth under 21 years old
Class 40: Horseshoe Pitching
Must be 16 years or older to participate
Bring your own shoes & partners
Class 50: Poultry Open
All birds must be healthy, clean, & presentable. This will be strictly enforced. Violators will be removed.
When making entries, please state breed color/variety, large fowl or bantam, Cock (male over a year), Hen (female over a year), Cockerel (male under a year), Pullet (female under a year). Classes for breeds or varieties not listed will be made if warranted.
Entries to be sent on or prior to September 16th, 2024 to Troy Laroche. Entries can be sent by mail to 12187 8th line, Georgetown ON L7G 4S4, by email to, or by fax to (905) 873-7712
We have limited cages for geese & turkeys. We will accommodate as many as we can. Any caging that can be brought by exhibitors would be appreciated.
1. Modern Birchen
2. Modern Brown Red
3. Modern BB Red
4. Modern A.O.V
5. Old English Black
6. Old English BB Red
7. Old English Silver Duckwing
8. Old English Red Pyle
9. Old English Wheaten
10. Old English A.O.V
11. Leghorn White
12. Leghorn A.O.V
13. White Rock
14. Barred Rock
15. Rock A.O.V
16. Rhode Island Red
17. Any other Single comb clean leg
18. Rosecomb Black
19. Rosecomb A.O.V
20. Sebright Silver
21. Sebright Golden
22. Wyandotte White
23. Wyandotte Black
24. Wyandotte Partridge
25. Wyandotte A.O.V
​26. Any other Rosecomb Clean Leg Breed
27. Cochin Black
28. Cochin White
29. Cochin Buff
30. Cochin A.O.V
31. Brahma Light
32. Brahma Buff
33. Brahma Dark
34. Silkie Bearded White
35. Silkie Bearded Black
36. Silkie Bearded Blue
37. Silkie Bearded A.O.V
38. Silkie Non-Bearded AV
39. Silkie Naked Neck AV
40. Duccle Millie Fleur
41. Duccle AV
42. Booted AV
43. Any other Feathered Leg Breed
44. Cornish Dark
45. Cornish A.O.V
46. Polish AV
47. Ko Shamo AV
48. Malay AV
49. Any other AOCCL Breed
50. White Rock
51. Barred Rock
52. Rock A.O.V
53. Wyandotte White
54. Wyandotte Partridge
55. Wyandotte A.O.V
56. Chantecler White
57. Chantecler Partridge
58. Jersey Giant AV
59. Rhode Island Red
60. Any other American Breed
61. Leghorn White
62. Leghorn A.O.V
63. Minorca AV
64. Any other Mediterranean Breed
65. Australorp
66. Sussex Speckled
67. Sussex A.O.V
68. Orpington White
69. Orpington Buff
70. Any other English Breed
71. Polish AV
72. Hamburg AV
73. Faverolle AV
74. Any other Continental Breed
75. Cochin Black
76. Cochin Blue
77. Cochin Buff
78. Cochin A.O.V
79. Langshan Black
80. Langshan A.O.V
81. Brahma Buff
82. Brahma Dark
83. Brahma Light
84. Modern AV
85. Old English AV
86. Sumatra AV
87. Shamo AV
88. Malay AV
89. Aseel AV
90. Any other AOSB Breed
91. Call Grey
92. Call White
93. Call Pastel
94. Call AOV
95. Black East Indie
96. Runner White
97. Runner AOV
98. Welsh Harlequin
99. Khaki Campbell
100. Magpie AV
101. Cayuga
102. Buff
103. Crested AV
104. Swede
105. Rouen
106. Pekin
107. Muscovy AV
108. Any other Duck Breed
109. Toulouse AV
110. African AV
111. Embden
112. American Buff
113. Steinbacher
114. Pilgrim
115. Pomeranian AV
116. Sebastopol
117. China Brown
118. China White
119. Egyptian
120. Any other breed of goose
121. Turkey AV
122. Guinea AV
Class 51: Pigeons
1. Cropper AV
2. Fantail AC
3. Indian Fantail AC
4. Hemet AC
5. Flying Homer AC
6. Show Pen Homer (ASR)
7. Ice Pigeon AV
8. Modena AC
9. Nun AC
10. Chinese Owl AC
11. Pouter AV
12. Show Roller AC
13. Flying Roller AC
14. Jacobin AC
15. King AC
16. Runt AC
17. Old German Owl AC
18. Any other breed of Pigeon
Class 51A: Dove Show
Open to all species of dove, no domestic pigeons
Ring Neck Doves
1. Wild Type
2. Fawn
3. White
4. Peach
5. Tangerine
6. Pied (any color)
7. Pearled (any color)
8. Orange
9. Rosy
10. Any other color mutation
Diamond Doves
11. Blue (wild types)
12. Silver
13. Blue-White tailed/White Rumped
14. Silver-White tailed/White Rumped
15. Pied (any color)
16. Yellow
17. Red
18. Any other color mutation
All Other Species
19. Any species named
Class 41: Lawn & Garden Tractor Pull
Stock Maximum 3600 RPM
All tractors must have wheelie bars other than the Stock 650 sections, although it is highly recommended
Tractors may be entered in 2 section. Drivers may ONLY pull twice
No dual tires, no chains. Tire size limit of 26x12x12 AG tires only!
All stock tractors must be 3800 RPM or less! Maximum 2 cylinders, diesel max of 3 cylinders
All modified & alcohol tractors must have an operating kill switch. We strongly suggest that stock tractors have kill switches for safety
Alcohol pullers must wear fireproof suits
All drivers must wear long pants & closed shoes
Stock Classes
Modified Classes
Alcohol Classes
Diesel Classes
1. 650lbs 16 yrs & under
2. 800lbs 21 yrs & under
3. 1000lbs
4. 1250lbs
5. 775 lbs
6. 900 lbs
7. 1250 lbs
8. Open 2500 lbs
9. 1050 lbs
10. 1100 lbs
11. 1150 lbs
12. 1250 lbs
Class 43: 4x4 Truck Pull
No steel base on tire chains
All engine power must be transmitted to the ground through the wheels
All tires must have D.O.T stamp on the tire
All trucks must have a working ignition switch that is easily accessible to the driver
All trucks must have a non-restrictive forward & backward foot throttle operation
An open exhaust is allowed providing exhaust pipe extends straight back beyond cab or straight above cab roof behind the cab
​Production wheelbase & highway drivable
No snowplows - frame only
All hub caps must be removed
All truck engines are to be stock production with one carburetor & naturally aspirated
Drawbar to be rigid in all directions & parallel to the ground with 3&3/4" diameter hole & max 22" from the ground
Circuit class - 26" top of hitch to the ground
Driver's window MUST be open
Drivers must have valid license
1. 6500 lbs & under, Local Stock - Gas
2. 8500 lbs & under, Local Stock - Diesel
3. Pro Stock - Gas
4. Pro Stock - Diesel
Class 44: Tractor Pull
Any original tractor 25 years & older
May only enter one section
Drawbar must be original factory equipment & height
Stock Tractor Rules:
Stock tractors must have no visible engine mods, original pumps, no turbo chargers unless manufacturers option
3 point hitches removed
Drawbar length 18", drawbar must be stationary, max height of 20" from top of hitching device, parallel to the ground
No 4-wheel drive, no duals
Drivers must be 16 years of age or older
Only stock fuel to be used by tractors
Stock Antique Tractors
1. 5000 lbs & under
2. 6000 lbs
3. 7000 lbs
4. 8000 lbs
5. 9000 lbs & over
Out of Field Tractors
Antique & Non-Stock Classes
6. 6500 lbs & under
7. 8500 lbs
8. 10500 lbs & over
Class 47: Kids Pedal Tractor Pull
The contestant must be able to pedal the tractor without assistance
Pedal tractors will be furnished for all participants
All contestants must wear shoes
All contestants will be given 3 chances to get the sled moving from the start line
All kids 10 & under are welcome to enter
Sections (Age as of Date of Event):
1. 4 years & younger
2. 5-6 years
3. 7-8 years
4. 9-10 years
Class 52:
1. 1/2 bushel mixed grain, commercial mixture
2. 1/2 bushel barley, 6 rowed
3. 6 cobs of grain corn
4. Display of 6 stalks ensilage corn
5. Feed grain - 1/2 bushel combine grain (must not be cleaned or altered)
6. Soy beans, 6 plants
Class 53: Commercial Hay
Each exhibit to consist of approx. a 10" slice in a bag
1. First cut hay - 85% or more alfalfa
2. First cut hay - mixed hay
3. First cut hay 85% or more grass
4. Second cut hay - legume, 85% or more legume
5. Haylage
Class 54:
Field Competition
1. Best decorated bale of hay
2. Tallest stalk of corn (no roots)
3. Tallest sunflower (no roots)
4. Weirdest shape of vegetable
5. Largest carrot (no top)
6. Largest potato
7. Longest zucchini
Class 61: Plants & Flowers
All exhibits are to be the work of the exhibitor. Amateurs only
Any bud showing color is classified as one bloom
All materials to be homegrown unless otherwise noted
Helpful Hits for Preparing Materials:
1. Cut flowers & foliage the evening before the show or in the early morning
2. Flowers stay fresher & show better if there are no leaves in the container
3. Make a fresh slanting cut at the end of the stems for maximum water intake
4. Store in a dark, humid, draft-free place
5. Some cut flowers, foliage & woody materials do not readily absorb water & require further treatment to prevent wilting. Woody branches may benefit from splitting cut ends & some need the thick outer layer removed as well
6. Place in a wide bucket in deep warm water, preferably overnight
7. Some cut flowers (e.g. poppies) benefit from burning the stem ends while others benefit by placing stem ends in boiling water or from chemicals in the water. About 2 tbsp of glycerin in 4L of water or florists crystals may be beneficial
8. Removal of dust, stains, & other foreign objects from blooms & foliage enhances the exhibit
9. Re-cut stem ends before placing in show containers
Potted Plants
All exhibits must be potted at least two weeks before the fair
1. African violet, any colour
2. Aloe plant
3. Cactus, any variety
4. Fern, any variety
5. Fibrous Begonia, in a pot not more than 15cm (6") in diameter
6. Fuchsia, hanging pot or basket
7. Geranium, one plant in bloom, in a pot no more than 15cm (6") in diameter
8. Herb, potted & named
9. House plant, not listed, grown primarily for foliage, named
10. House plant, not listed, grown for flowers, in bloom, named
11. Spider plant
12. Trailing plant grown for foliage, ready to hang
13. Unusual plant, named
Section 38: Meadowville Garden Centre Potted Plants Award
Exhibitor with the most points in sections 1-13 will receive a $25.00 Gift Certificate
All arrangements to be in suitable containers of the exhibitor's choice except where noted
Fresh flowers (not necessarily grown by exhibitor) only, except where noted
34. Churning Butter - an arrangement using different shades of yellow in a teacup
35. Heavenly Treasurers - an arrangement suitable for a baby shower
36. Fall Splendor - an arrangement to celebrate the harvest using flowers, fruits, & vegetables, presented in a canning jar
37. Sweet Dreams - miniature design, not to exceed 12.5cm (5") tall and 7.5cm (3") wide
Cut Flowers
All flowers to be displayed in vases that will not fall over
Foliage is to be used to enhance the flowers
Only flowers will be judged
14. Chrysanthemums, 3 stems. same colour
15. Cosmos, 3 blooms, any colour
16. Cut flower, not listed, 3 stems, same variety, named
17. Floating fantasy, glass bowl, one flower head, must float freely
18. Dahlias, 3 blooms
19. Geranium, 3 flowers heads, foliage attached
20. Gladiola, 1 spike, in bloom
21. Grasses - ornamental, sedges or bamboo, 5 stems, may be mixed
22. Hosta leaves, 3 leaves, variegated
23. Hydrangea, 3 stems
24. Marigolds, 3 blooms
25. Petunia, 3 sprays, one colour
26. Rose - Miniature, 3 sprays, any colour, foliage attached
27. Rose - Red, stem & foliage
28. Rose - Any colour but red, stem & foliage
29. Rudibekia, 3 stems
30. Sedum, 3 stems
31. Snapdragons, mixed or one colour, 3 spikes
32. Sunflower, 1 head with stem, head not more than 12.5cm (5") in diameter
33. Zinnias, in bloom
Section 39: Bonarrow Greenhouse Cut Flowers Awards
Exhibitor with the most points in sections 14-33 will receive a gift certificate
1st: $15.00 2nd: $10.00
41. The Flower Shed Judge's Choice Arrangements Award
A $15.00 Gift Card will be awarded to the exhibitor with the most outstanding arrangement in sections 34-37
40. Reds Garden Centre Arrangements Award
Exhibitor with the most points in sections 34-37 will receive a $20.00 gift certificate​​
42S. Senior 65+ Special
Arrangement suitable for a "Sweet 16", not to exclude 30cm (12") in diameter, including container
Exhibitors must be 65 years of age or older to exhibit in this section. Points will not be included in calculation for overall winners
Acton Horticultural Society Specials:
43S: "Bits and Pieces"
An arrangement of roadside materials, flowers, grasses, natural materials
44S: 3 Perennial Plants
Junior Specials:
For anyone aged 16 & under, age to be printed on tag
45S. "Come Play With Me"
An arrangement of flowers in a toy. Container must be able to hold water
46S. Sunflower Head
Head only, largest head
47S. "Country Walk"
An arrangement of flowers and grasses, not to exceed 30 cm (12") in diameter, including container
48S. "Squirrel's Harvest"
An arrangement of cones, nuts, and evergreens, in a basket with a container that can hold water, not exceeding 30cm (12") in diameter, including container
49S. "R" Fund Junior Special
Homemade Fairy Garden in a suitable container, not to exceed 8" (20cm)
Sponsored by the "R" Fund
Class 55: Roots, Fruits & Vegetables
1. 3 carrots (long, leave 1/2" top)
2. 3 carrots (less than 5", leave 1/2" top)
3. 3 parsnips (leave 1/2" top)
4. 3 table beets, topped
5. 3 onions (yellow)
6. 3 onions (Spanish)
7. 3 onions (white)
8. 3 green bell peppers, sweet
9. 3 large peppers, hot (same variety)
10. 3 tomatoes, beefsteak (stems on)
11. 3 tomatoes, named, any other variety (stems on)
12. 12 cherry tomatoes (stems on)
13. 3 tomatoes, Roma (stems on)
14. 3 leeks (leave roots on)
15. 3 pears, any variety
16. 3 garlic bulbs
17. 1 Eggplant
18. A cluster of tomatoes on one stem, 1.5"-3" smaller
19. 3 radishes
20. 2 English cucumbers
21. 3L basket of McIntosh apples
22. 1 head kale (in container with water)
23. 3 pickling beets (up to 5.5" long)
24. 2 cucumbers, slicing or table
25. 3 cucumbers, pickling
26. 2 yams (sweet potatoes)
27. 1 common field pumpkin
28. 1 head red cabbage
29. 3 red bell peppers, sweet
30. 1 head late cabbage
31. 3 beans, pole
32. 3 green beans, bush
33. 3 yellow beans
34. 1 zucchini squash (max. of 10")
35. 1 pepper or acorn squash
36. 1 butternut squash
37. 1 hubbard squash
38. 1 any other variety of squash, named
39. 1 spaghetti squash
40. 1 buttercup squash
41. 3 bunches of grapes, any variety
42. 2 pie type pumpkins
43. 3 yellow bell peppers, sweet
44. 3 onions (red)
45. 1 any other fruit not listed
46. Collection of ornamental gourds from garden (min 6 different varieties) displayed as a table centerpiece
47. 3L basket white potatoes, named
48. 3L basket red potatoes, named
49. 3L basket other variety of potatoes, named
50. 1 any other vegetable not listed
51. Selection of 3 different varieties of herbs, named & displayed in container of water
52. 3 varieties of apples, 2 of each variety, named & arranged for display in container of water
53. 3 small peppers, hot (same variety)
54. Healthy Choice Basket - An attractively arranged group of at least 5 of the following; broccoli, spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, leeks, apples, berries, grapes, pears, cantaloupe. Must include both fresh fruits & vegetables in a container of your choice. TO be judged on the condition of the fruits & vegetables, the variety & general attractiveness of display
55. 2 cucumbers, any other variety
56S. Vegetarian Stew Special
6 or more fresh vegetables that would be used in a stew, arranged for display in a stew pot. To be judged on condition of vegetables, variety & general attractiveness of display
57. Sobeys Judges' Choice Award
A $25 Sobeys gift card will be awarded to the exhibitor the Judge chooses best in class 55
58. "R" Fund Junior Most Points Award
A $15 prize will be awarded to the junior exhibitor (16 years or under) with the most points in class 55, please mark your age on your exhibitor tag
Class 56: Wine
All entries must be homemade by exhibitor
Bottles must be standard 750mL wine bottle, unless otherwise stated, with cork or screw cap
Each entry bottle (not labeled) must be accompanied by a display bottle with a label
Participants are asked to bring a non-perishable food donation for the Food Bank
1. White Table Wine, from grapes or concentrate
2. Country Wine, made from any fruit except grapes
3. Social Wine - non-dinner wines, not included in other categories, with sweetness between Table & Dessert wine
4. Rosé, from grapes or concentrate
5. Red Table Wine, from grapes or concentrate
6S. Smooth Solutions Wine & Cheese Special
Your favorite wine, (note class rules) any wine not entered above, accompanied by a small wedge of cheese that compliments it. To be judged on the quality of the wine & the taste/suitability of the cheese that accompanies it
Vintner's Cellar of Acton Best of Show Award:
Awarded to the wine considered by the judges to be the Best of Show from all sections
Section 8: Decorated Wine Glass - any size or shape, to be judged by Convenor
Class 57: Baking
All exhibits to be work of exhibitor & exhibitor only
No mixes, purchased pie filler, or pastry allowed
No items higher or wider than 10"
Amateurs only!
Scones & Biscuits
To be exhibited on small paper plates
1. Cheddar & chive scones, 3
2. Plain scones, 3
3. Tea biscuits, 3
4. Tea biscuits with raisins, 3
Quick Breads & Cookies
Cookies to be exhibited on small paper plates
All must be in re-sealable bag
5. Apple muffins, 3
6. Sugar cookies, 3
7. Chocolate chip cookies, 3
8. Snickerdoodle cookies, 3
9. Shortbread cookies, 3
10S. Joseph Hamilton Memorial Special
Apple Squares, 3
Pies & Tarts
11. Butter Tarts, no nuts or fruit, 3
12. Blueberry pie, 1 wedge
13. Cherry Pie, 1 wedge
14. Baked Tart Shell, 3
15S. Acton Optical Butter Tarts with raisins, 12
To be displayed in aluminum tray with plastic wrap or Ziplock bag. 1st place tarts to be retained by section judge, Nancy Wilkes from Acton Optical
16S. Matt Van Der Leest Special Pumpkin Pie, 1 whole pie
1st, 2nd, & 3rd place pies will be retained by section judge Matt Van Der Leest
Cakes & Loaves
Cakes, loaves & brownies to be exhibited on paper plates in ziplock bags
Loaves to be half from a 8"x3" (min size) loaf pan - may be larger if baker wants
17. Lemon loaf, unglazed
18. Blueberry Loaf
19. Honey Loaf
20. Cherry Loaf
21. Smooth Solutions Cupcake Special
3 cupcakes, iced, decorated for theme - "Apple Trees & Honey Bees". Cupcakes will be judged on looks only
22. Iced Cake, decorated for Fair theme, "Apple Trees & Honey Bees". To be judged on decoration only. May use Styrofoam base, less than 10"
23. Banana Loaf FOR SENIORS 65+
24S. Jared Reinders Special Boterkoek (Dutch Butter Cake)
1st, 2nd & 3rd place cakes will be retained by section judge Jared Reinders
25S. Alex Hilson Special Brownies
no nuts or fruit, unfrosted or glazed, 6 pieces
1st, 2nd & 3rd place brownies will be retained by section judge Alex Hilson
Gluten Free
26. Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins, 3
27. Brownies, No nuts, 3 Pieces
Class 58: Rural Products
All eggs to be home/farm produced, no store-bought entries
Only one entry per farm in each section
1. 1/2 dozen white eggs
(medium, large, or extra large)
2. 1/2 dozen brown eggs
(medium, large, or extra large)
3. 1/2 dozen Bantam eggs (small)
brown or white - do not mix colours
4. 1/2 dozen eggs, any size
blue, green, or copper
5. 1/2 dozen eggs, any size, any colour not mentioned above
6. 1/2 dozen duck eggs, any colour, any size
Alltro Distribution & Transportation Overall Champion & Reserve Egg Awards
Entries chosen by Judge will receive the following special awards
Champion: $15.00
Reserve: $10.00
Maple Syrup
Maple syrup in Kent style syrup 250mL bottles
Ideally 3 bottles as winner goes to District
9. Maple syrup, light
10. Maple syrup, dark (amber)
Honey to be properly labelled in jars of at least 4 ounces
11. Canada No. 1 - liquid light honey
12. Canada No. 1 - liquid golden honey
13. Canada No. 1 - liquid amber honey
14. Comb honey - 1 piece, appropriately displayed
Class 60: Canned & Preserved Products
All exhibits to be work of exhibitor only
Container is to be opened by the judge
Exhibits must be sealed properly & in size of jar indicated
No wax on jars & no decorations on lids
All sections marked with a * represent fair theme sections
Jams & Jellies
In pint sealers and/or 8-9oz. jars
Canned Fruit
In pint sealers
Pickles, Relishes & Sauces
In pint sealers and/or 8-9oz. jars
1. Peach Jam
2. Strawberry Jam
3. Raspberry Jam
4. Apricot Jam
5. Freezer Strawberry Jam
6. Crabapple Jelly
7. *Apple Jelly
8. Hot Red or Green Pepper Jelly
9. Mild Red or Green Pepper Jelly
10. *Spiced Apple Pear Jam
11. Applesauce
12. *Peaches Sweetened with Honey
13. Peaches
14. Pears
15. *Apple Butter
16. Zucchini Relish
17. Sweet Pickle Relish
18. Corn Relish
19. Icicle Pickles
20. Nine-day Pickles (sweet)
21. Bread & Butter Pickles
22. Dill Pickles (uncut)
23. Dill Pickles (sliced)
24. Pickled Beets
25. *Apple Honey Chutney
26. Chili Sauce
27. Mild Salsa
28. Mango Peach Salsa
29. *Honey BBQ Sauce, 1 pint (include recipe)
Decorative Displays
Sections 30-32 based on fair theme "Apple Trees & Honey Bees"
30. *Time for Tea
Must contain two jars, one of Fair Themed entries listed above, & one of exhibitor's choice of honey (jars are not tasted). Include Box of cookies, muffins, scones, etc., teacup & saucers, selection of teas & a magazine showing the royal family. Displayed in a basket of choice
31. *Apple Trees & Honeybees
Provide the fresh, raw produce for salsa or chutney. Display on a plate with a jar of the finished product. Recipe to be attached & finished product to be made by exhibitor
32. *Two decorated jars from sections 1-27 in the fair theme. Displayed in a basket, tray or plate. Jars will not be opened
33S. Gift basket for a Special Friend - In Memory of Janet Marshall
(Janet was part of the Canned & Preserved Committee for over 30 years)
In a container of your choice, place 2 decorative jars from the pickles & relishes section along with a gift suitable for your friend & include yellow roses (real or artificial) in display. This decoration may be for any occasion (e.g. birthday, house warming, Christmas, etc.)
34. Acton Sobeys Award
Exhibitor with the most points in Class 60 will receive a $25 Gift Card
Class 59: Antiques
All exhibits must be the property of the Exhibitor
Exhibits must be at least approx. 50 years old
Only amateurs may enter - no dealers
No article is to exceed 8" in height & 12" in diameter
Antiques & Collectibles
Glass & China
1. Acton historical item, souvenir, advertising
2. Post card based on fair theme "Apple Trees & Honeybees"
3. Trivet
4. Yardstick
5. Bookends
6. Walking Cane
7. Tea Caddy
8. Catalogue
9. Nutcracker
10. Ship in a Bottle
11. Pressed Glass Goblet
12. Hen on Nest
13. Cake Plate/Pedestal
14. Tea Pot
House & Barn
15. Christmas Tree Decoration
16. Teddy Bear
17. Scissors
18. Carpet Ball
19. Whistle
20. Spurs
21. Cow Bell
22. Hood Ornament
23. Belt Buckle
24. Padlock
25. Jack Knife
26. Lighter
*Size limits do not apply to the following 4 items. They will be displayed behind fence barricades*
27. Toy Tractor
28. Farm Animal
29. Event Poster
30S. Norm's Antiques Special
Winter Fun - Sports & Leisure
31S. Acton Optical Special
Judges choice - Sponsored by Nancy Wilkes R.O., Acton Optical
32. Sobeys Award
New exhibitor with the most points who has never entered in the Antique section at the Acton Fall Fair. Please mark your tag "New Exhibitor"
33. Antiques Award
Exhibitor with the most points in the Antiques section
2019 & 2023 winners ineligible
Class 62: Quilts
Unless otherwise specified, all work must be the work of the exhibitor
Items may not be submitted more than two years in a row
Fabric swatches & samples required and must accompany all quilt items
Any hand & machine quilting done by more than one person must be acknowledged on exhibitor tag
Include the pattern designer's name & the name of the quilt on the back of entry tag
Attach entry tag with a safety pin
Large Quilts
A quilt from these sections will be eligible to compete in OAAS quilt competition
Large quilts must be 324", measured on the perimeter
Large Hand Quilts
1. Quilt, any method
Large Machine Quilts
6. Quilt, pieced
7. Quilt, appliqué
8. Quilt, more than one technique
Small Quilts
Small quilts must be smaller than 324", measured on the perimeter
Small Hand Quilts
2. Quilt, pieced
3. Quilt, appliqué
4. Quilt, more than one technique
5. Single bed, any method, minimum 240" on the perimeter
Small Machine Quilts
9. Quilt, pieced
10. Quilt, appliqué
11. Quilt, more than one technique
12. Single bed, any method, minimum 240" on the perimeter
Quilts & Wall Hangings
13. Baby blanket, hand quilted
14. Baby blanket, machine quilted
15. Baby blanket, embroidered
16. Rag quilt, min 192" on perimeter
17. Printed panel, with or without borders, hand quilted
18. Printed panel, with or without borders, machine quilted
19. Wall hanging, any technique, ready to hang, hand quilted
20. Wall hanging, any technique, ready to hang, machine quilted
Miscellaneous Quilted Items
Halton Hills Quilters Guild Specials
22. One quilted table runner
23. Lap quilt/throw, any method (49"x63" min)
24. Tied quilt, any technique (tied quilts must be 3 layers)
25. My first quilt, any size
26. A Quilt Treasure - made from a quilt top or blocks that have been found in a trunk, bought at a sale or inherited. Please include a story behind this find
27. Quilted Doll Blanket
28. Quilted eye glass case
29. 2 quilted place mats, fair theme
30. Quilt block, mounted & named
31. Quilt top, any size or method
32. Quilted Christmas Stocking
33. Any quilted item, not listed
34S. QUILT - To be 280" on the perimeter, any design, hand or machine quilted. By exhibitor or by another
35S. WALL QUILT - Traditional design, not to exceed 200" on the perimeter
36S. WALL QUILT - Abstract or representational, not to exceed 200" on perimeter. Will be judged on innovative design, unusual use of materials & stitches, piercing, embellishments as well as quilting & finishing
37S. MINIATURE QUILT - Less than 96" on perimeter, needs to be small version of a regular quilt. No panels
For Seniors, 65+
43. Vintage quilt, must be 50 or older (attach short history)
44. Quilted advent calendar
45. Lap size quilt
Northcott Fabric Awards
38. A fabric prize will be awarded to the new exhibitor with the most points. Please mark your tag "New exhibitor"
39. A fabric prize will be awarded to the Exhibitor with the most points in Hand Quilting in sections 1-5 inclusive
40. A fabric prize will be awarded to the Exhibitor with the most points in Machine Quilting in Sections 6-12 inclusive
Sew Productive Specials
41. Grand Champion Hand Quilted - quilt will be awarded a $25.00 gift certificate from Sew Productive
42. Grand Champion Machine Quilted - quilt will be awarded a $25.00 gift certificate from Sew Productive
Class 63: Needlecrafts
Unless otherwise specified, all work must be the work of the exhibitor
Items may not be submitted more than two years in a row
Any sewn item will be judged on sewing skills other than quilting
Knitted & Crocheted Items
Knitted & Crocheted Clothing
1. Afghan, knitted - perimeter of 150" to 250"
2. Afghan, crocheted - perimeter of 150" to 250"
3. Lap Cover, knitted - perimeter of 140" to 150"
4. Lap Cover, crocheted - perimeter of 140" to 150"
5. Toy - animal, doll & etc., knitted
6. Toy - animal, doll & etc., crocheted
7. Christmas item, knitted or crocheted
8.Knitted or crocheted item, inspired by fair theme "Apple Trees & Honey Bees"
9. Any knitted or crocheted item not listed - no afghans please
11. One pair adult socks, knitted
12. One pair adult slippers, crocheted
13. Child’s or Adult hat, knitted
14. Child’s or Adult hat, crocheted
15. Baby’s or Child’s sweater/cardigan/poncho, knitted or crocheted
16. Ladies’ shawl, knitted or crocheted
17. Adult scarf, knitted or crocheted
18. Any knitted or crocheted clothing item not listed
19. FOR SENIORS, 65+
A knitted or crocheted item
10. Len's Mill Stores Knitted & Crocheted Items Award
A $30.00 gift card will be awarded to the exhibitor with the most points in Sections 1-9
20. Len's Mill Stores Knitted & Crocheted Clothing Award
A $30.00 gift card will be awarded to the exhibitor with the most points in Sections 11-19
Sewn Clothing & Accessories
Sewn Miscellaneous
21. Baby bib
22. Kitchen / BBQ Apron
23. Girl’s / Women’s apparel item
24. Boy’s / Man’s apparel item
25. Child’s / Adult’s Special Occasion outfit
(e.g. Prom, Christmas, Halloween, Christening, First Communion & etc.)
26. A sewn clothing project not listed
27. Fabricland Distributors Inc Sewn Clothing Award
A $25.00 Gift Card will be awarded to the exhibitor with the most points in Sections 21-26
28. Puppet
29. Wine bottle gift bag
30. Christmas decoration of any kind
31. Stuffed Animal or Doll, sewn
32. Recycler's Inspiration Something new from something old (sewn). A note must accompany entry identifying the previously used article
33. Any sewn item inspired by fair theme "Apple Trees & Honey Bees"
34. A sewn item, not listed
35. FOR SENIORS, 65+
Sewn item
36. The Sewing Café Sewn Miscellaneous Award
A $30.00 Gift Certificate will be awarded to the exhibitor with the most points in Sections 28-35
Juniors (16 & Under) Knit/Crochet/Sewn
Age to be printed on the entry tag
37. Stuffed Animal
38. Pin cushion
39. Messenger bag
40. Mug mat or placemat
41. Garment
42. Sew Productive Juniors Award
A $50.00 Gift Certificate will be awarded to the exhibitor with the most points in Sections 37-41
43. "R" Fund Junior Sewn Special - Judge's Choice
A $15.00 prize will be awarded to a Junior Exhibitor for any item of their choice
Class 65: Art • Class 66 Hobbies & Crafts
All works must be original, handmade, works of the exhibitor
Items may not be exhibited more than 2 years in a row
Winning entries may not be re-entered
Art work must be framed & ready to hang
All entries must be clean & stain free
Sections for Class 65:
1. Pencil drawing, any subject, black and white or coloured
2. Landscape watercolour
3. Original oil painting
4. Original acrylic painting
5. Chalk or pastel - any subject
6. Watercolour, still life, framed
7. * Painting of apple blossoms, perimeter not to exceed 100” (254cm)
8. Pencil sketch - coloured
9. Pencil sketch - black
10. Collage mix media
11. * Cursive writing - write the following quotation on plain, non-lined paper. Must be in plastic cover.
I’d like to build the world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow white turtle doves.
-Roger Cook and Roger Greenaway
12. Original water colour painting
Sobeys Art Awards:
13. A $25.00 Gift Card will be awarded to the exhibitor with the Most Points
14. A $25.00 Gift Card will be awarded to a First Time Exhibitor. Please mark "FIRST TIME" on your tag
Sections for Class 66:
1. Article made with plastic canvas
2. Latch rug hooking item - size not to exceed 48”x72” (107cmx183cm)
3. Rug hooking item (not latch)
4. Cross stitch picture, ready to be hung - size perimeter - no larger than 72” (183cm)
5. Hand-embroidered item - size perimeter - no larger than 72” (183cm)
6. Felted item - not wearable
7. Felted item - wearable
8. Macramé item - size not to exceed 48”x72” (107cmx183cm)
9. Article of bead work (e.g. jewellery, fabric decoration)
10. Acton Optical Award
$15.00 prize will be awarded for most points in sections 1-9
11. Paper Tole - ready to hang, not to exceed perimeter 60” (153cm)
12. Halloween wreath, ready to hang, not to exceed 24” (61cm) in diameter
13. Decorative door hanging suitable for a Birthday
14. Diamond Dot art, ready to hang - not to exceed perimeter 100” (254cm)
15. Handmade brooch or pin, any media
16. Tie dye item
17. Any useful item made from recycled materials, any media - perimeter not to exceed 60” (153cm), width not to exceed 12” (31cm), height not to exceed 10” (26cm)
18. A decorated rock, not more than 10lbs. (4.5kg)
19. A birthday card, hand made
20. Item made from leather
21. One decorated table napkin ring with napkin (ring only to be judged)
22. Thanksgiving table centre piece, any material, perimeter not to exceed 60” (153cm), width not to exceed 12” (31cm), height not to exceed 10” (26cm)
23. Homemade walking stick
24. Painted ceramic item
25. Pottery item
26. Profile Award
$25.00 gift certificate will be awarded for most points in sections 11-25
Christmas Items
29. Container decorated for Christmas (i.e. jar, teacup, mug and etc.)
30. Door decoration (not wreath), must be able to be hung
31. Christmas Wreath - must be able to be hung, not to exceed 24” (61cm) in diameter
32. Decorated hand-made Christmas Stocking (not quilted)
33. Angel tree topper
34. Hand painted Nut Cracker
35. One Christmas Tree Ornament, any media
36. Plate, decorated for Christmas
37. Christmas centre piece, perimeter not to exceed 60” (153cm), width not to exceed 12” (31cm), height not to exceed 10” (26cm)
38. Advent wreath or calendar, any media, ready to hang if appropriate
39. Christmas Spirit Award
$15.00 cash prize will be awarded for most points in sections 29-38
This Year's Theme
"Apple Trees, & Honey Bees"
40. Decorated picture frame, using theme, ready to hang, not to exceed 60” (153cm) diameter
41. Decorated clay pot, using theme, not to exceed 6” (15cm) diameter
42. Craft featuring bees and/or apples, ready for display, not to exceed 12” (31cm) diameter or 50” (127cm) perimeter
43. Wooden Welcome Sign used for any season, using theme
44. Any craft not listed, using theme
45. Silvercreek Spa Award
$25.00 gift certificate will be awarded for most points in sections 40-44
For Seniors 65+
46. A piece of weaving, minimum 24” (61cm) in perimeter
47. A piece of button jewelry
48. Scrap book memory page
49. Kay Lynch Memorial Award
Donated by Kathryn Lynch, prize will be awarded for most points in all "For Seniors 65+" sections throughout all classes
Class 67: Amateur Photography
All photography must be securely mounted on white construction paper or white cardstock with a border no wider than 1.5"
Max print size is 4" by 6" (unless otherwise stated). Photos may be in color or black & white
Photos must have been taken by the person exhibiting them within the past 5 years
For categories with 2 photos, please mount both pictures on the same background
Exhibitor tags must be attached to the top right corner without obscuring the photograph
Photographs that have been edited in any way are not permitted
1. One photo - 2023 Acton Fall Fair
2. One photo - An Apple Tree
3. One photo - A Travel Destination, named
4. One photo - Winter Wonderland
5. Two photos - Sun and Fun
6. One photo - A Bee on a Flower
7. One photo - Apples at a Farmer’s Market
8. One photo - Vibrant Colours
9. Two photos - Sunrise/Sunset
10. One photo - A Honey Farm
11. One photo - Spring Flowers
12. One photo - My Favourite Thing
13. One photo - A Food Dish with Honey in the Recipe, named
14. Two photos - Close Up View of a Flower or Flowers
15. One photo - Children Playing
16. One photo - Autumn Scene with Pumpkins
17. Two photos - Antique or Classic Car or Cars
18. One photo - Best Friends
19. Two photos - In the Garden
20. Two photos - Anything that Flies
21. One photo - A Food Dish with Apples in the Recipe, named
22. Two photos - On the Farm
23. One photo - Historic Architecture
24. One photo - An Awkward Family Photo
25. One photo - Cottage Life
26. One photo - An Outdoor Winter Activity
27. One photo - A Happy Moment
28. Four photos - Four Seasons - one photo in each season - spring, summer, fall, winter
Youth Photography:
(Ages 16 & under)
33. One photo - Farm Animal or Animals
34. One photo - Landscape
35. One photo - Pet or Pets
36. One photo - Photographer’s Choice
"R" Fund Junior Most Points Award
A $15.00 prize will be awarded to the junior Exhibitor (16 years or under) with the most points in sections 33-36
Pat Allen Memorial Award "Best in Show"
Sponsored by Kristy Phillips in memory of her mom, Pat Allen. A gift will be awarded to the photograph chosen by the Judge as Best in Show
Class 49: Baby Show
Dress your little ones up in "Apple Trees & Honey Bees" or "Fall Fair" themed costumes!
Age Sections:
0-3 Months
4-6 Months
7-12 Months
13-18 Months
19-24 Months
25-36 Months
0-24 Months Multiples
Class 68: Junior Work
Entries in each category must follow the same rules as the main classes
All backing to be exhibited on small disposable plates covered with clear plastic
Muffins are NOT to be shown in paper cups
Group A: 5 Years & Younger
1. Favourite Jam or Jelly sandwich, can be Apple Butter. Display on a disposable plate, not to exceed 6”, covered with plastic wrap or placed in a re-sealable bag
2. Using an apple make a face, decoratives can be used. Display on a disposable plate, not to exceed 6”, covered with plastic wrap or placed in a re-sealable bag
3. Using graham wafers as a base, make a small house, decorate, using your imagination - display on disposable plate, not to exceed 8” (20.3cm),
covered in plastic or placed in a re-sealable bag.
4. Using Rice Krispie style cereal mixture as a base, form your own apple. Food colouring and decoratives can be added. Display on a disposable plate, not to exceed 6”, covered with plastic wrap or placed in a re-sealable bag
5. Largest Leaf mounted, on paper, not to exceed 8.5”x11” (216x279cm)
6. Using a pine cone, make an apple
7. Treasures from a Walk - a display of 6 items, attached on a white paper plate, not to exceed 10” (25.4cm)
8. Using finger paint, take your Hand Print and make an apple tree, on page not to exceed 8.5”x11” (216x279cm)
9. Print your first name on a piece of 8.5” by 11” white paper
10. Using pieces of an egg carton, make a bumble bee
Group B: 6-8 Years
11. Using an apple as a base, make a Hallowe’en face. Display on a disposable plate, not to exceed 6” (15.24cm), covered with plastic wrap or placed in a re-sealable bag
12. Favourite Jam or Jelly sandwich or wrap, can be apple butter. Display on a disposable plate, not to exceed 6” (15.24cm), covered with plastic wrap or placed in a re-sealable bag
13. Create an edible castle from mini marshmallows, Rice Krispies mixture, candy, etc. not to exceed 10” (25.4cm) high, can add additional decorations. Display on a disposable plate, not to exceed 10” (25.4cm), covered with plastic wrap or placed in re-sealable bag
14. Apple Muffin (2) - Display on a disposable plate, not to exceed 6” (15.24cm), covered with plastic wrap or placed in a re-sealable bag
15. Your favourite healthy snack, can include apple, name items - display on disposable plate, not to exceed 6”(15.24cm), covered in plastic or placed in a re-sealable bag
16. Your best cookie or square, (3) baked or unbaked - display on disposable plate, not to exceed 6” (15.24cm), covered in plastic or placed in a re-sealable bag
17. Using your hand print or outline, make an apple tree, can use decoratives
18. Pet rock bumble bee – display on paper plate
19. Using a paper plate and other paper including tissue, make an apple tree
20. A favourite piece of school work, made by the exhibitor, not to exceed 12”x12” (30.5cmx30.5cm)
21. Using a clothes pin, make a bee
22. Draw a picture of “Fireworks”, on an 8.5”x11” piece of paper, can use additional materials such as glitter, sequins, etc.
23. Using Lego - make a machine or creature, name it. Securely display on paper plate
24. Decorate a terra cotta flower pot to look like a bee hive
25. Using a paper lunch bag, make a hand puppet
26. Using a shoe box as a base, make a diorama of a farm
Group C: 9-11 Years
27. Using apples as a base, make a decoration for a small table, placed on firm paper plate, add edible decorative items
28. Apple Muffin (2) - display on disposable plate, not to exceed 6” (15.24cm), covered in plastic or placed in a re-sealable bag
29. Your favourite cookie or square, 3, can be baked or no bake - display on disposable plate, not to exceed 6” (15.24cm), covered in plastic or
placed in a re-sealable bag. wrap or placed in re-sealable bag
30. Your favourite healthy snack, can include apple, name items - display on disposable plate, not to exceed 6” (15.24cm), covered in plastic or placed in a re-sealable bag
31. Using graham wafers as a base, make a small house, decorate using your imagination - display on a disposable plate, not to exceed 8” (20.3cm),
covered with plastic wrap or placed in
re-sealable bag
32. Using terra cotta flower pot(s), make a bee hive
33. Using Lego, make a machine, use your imagination, Display on paper plate and name your creation
34. Nature Suncatcher wind chimes. Using mason jar lids and items like petals, leaves, twigs, twine, branches, etc., make wind chimes, ready to hang. (check out YouTube or Pinterest for ideas)
35. Pet Rock group of bugs and bees, display in egg carton, minimum of three
36. Sew a tote bag, by machine or hand
37. 3D apple craft
38. Using a shoe box as a base, make a diorama, a theme of your choice, named
39. Draw an apple outline exposing core and label the six parts
40. Any piece of handwork or craft, i.e. knitting, sewing, woodwork, pierced metal, crochet, quilting, etc
41. Honey Bees are not native to North America, make a chart of Native Ontario bee types, named with images
42. On an 81⁄2 X 11 piece of paper, place images and name a minimum of seven (7) ways that apples can be used
43. Hand-draw your first initial on any 8.5"x11” paper and decorate it
44. Any other craft not listed
Group D: 12-16 Years
45. Including apples, make a table centre piece, placed on firm paper plate. Can incorporate, other edibles
46. Favourite healthy snack, including apple, name items - display on disposable plate, not to exceed 6”(15.24cm), covered in plastic or placed in a re-sealable bag
47. Using graham wafers as a base, make a small house, decorate, using your imagination - display on disposable plate, not to exceed 6” (15.24cm),
covered in plastic or placed in a re-sealable bag
48. No Bake cookie or square (3), to be judged on appearance and taste - display on disposable plate, not to exceed 6” (15.24cm), covered in plastic or placed in a re-sealable bag
49. Apple Muffin (2) - display on disposable plate, not to exceed 6” (15.24cm), covered in plastic or placed in a re-sealable bag
50. Your favourite Sandwich or Wrap - list ingredients - display on disposable plate, not to exceed 6” (15.24cm), covered in plastic or placed in a re-sealable bag
51. Make a dried apple garland, can add in other decoratives. Should be approximately a metre long
52. Design a tattoo
53. Make a mobile, ready to hang, include bees
54. Using your first name, create a design on a page not to exceed 8.5”x11”
55. “Turtle Island” is the name for the earth used by many indigenous people in our part of Canada make a picture to represent Turtle Island
56. An original work of art, any media, ready to be hung, not to exceed, in any direction 30” (76.2cm), artwork must be framed
57. Honey Bees are not native to North America, make a list of the native bees, named with images and in their classes
58. A piece of school work that you are most proud of - not to exceed 18”x18” (45.7cmx45.7cm) in any direction
59. Apple Trees are not Native to North America, however have become a major part of the farming industry, make a chart with images, showing the life cycle of an apple
60. Using cursive writing on an 8.5"x11" piece of paper, write the following poem by Marie Irish & Wendy Piersall:
“ The Apple Tree and the Bees – Of the trees with which we are blessed, the apple tree ranks among the best. How wonderful it is to see, When snowy blooms adorn the tree, and buzzing bees collect their food, And make honey to feed their brood. Yes, apple blossoms, pink and white, Are
a very lovely sight, but there’s a time when apple trees, Helped along by the bees, Have fruit dropping to the ground. Ripe, juicy apples, red and round.”
61. Any other piece of handwork or craft, ie: knitting, sewing, Woodwork, pierced metal, crochet, quilting, art, etc. Not to exceed 24”x24” (61cmx61cm), if folded.
Junior Theme Specials:
Open to all Juniors & Special Needs exhibitors
Age to be written on the entry tag
All entries based on theme: "Apple Trees & Honey Bees"
Sponsored by Tania Tetreault of Lotus Integrative Wellness
62S. Ages 5 and Under - Create a bookmark using the theme
63S. Ages 6 to 8 years - Create a bookmark using the theme, using materials such as paper, plastic canvas, wood, fabric, thread, etc.
64S. Ages 9 to 11 years - Create a bookmark, using the theme, double sided. Using materials such as paper, plastic, wood, fabric, thread, yarn, etc.
65S. Ages 12 to 16 years - Create a bookmark, 2 dimensional, based on the theme.
66S. Using your imagination and based on the theme, make a craft incorporating the bee and/or apple. Check out YouTube or Pinterest for ideas. Display your craft on a disposable plate or in a plastic bag.
More Junior Specials:
67S. Acton Optical Special
Sponsored by Nancy Wilkes
Open to all Junior & Special Needs Exhibitors
Write your age on the back of the entry tag
Create eyewear incorporating the theme. Use your imagination! Display on a paper plate, no larger than 6" (15.24cm)
77S. Ivy's Recycle Special
Sponsored by Cheryl Hulme
Open to all Junior & Special Needs Exhibitors
Write your age on the back of the entry tag
Using a clean, used honey jar as a vase, make an arrangement that includes apple tree twigs/branches. Not to exceed 24” (61cm) in height
76S. Comfort Food Special
Sponsored by Simon de Boer
Open to all Junior & Special Needs Exhibitors
Write your age on the back of the entry tag
Use the following recipe & display in a re-sealable container
Peanut Butter & Honey Dip
1/4 cup Peanut butter (or other nut like spread) decrease to half this for a more yogurt-like dip
1/4 cup Plain yogurt
1 tablespoon Honey adjust to taste
Stir the peanut butter and yogurt together until creamy. Add the honey slowly and adjust the sweetness to taste. Serve with apple slices and/or crackers. This will keep well in the refrigerator for several days
78S. O.A.A.S. Plain Chocolate Chips Cookie Competition (no nuts) - 8 Cookies
Contest is open to youth ages 10 to 15 years (as of December 31 of current year). Cookies, with no nuts, must be no larger than 6.75cm (3”) and no smaller than 5cm (2”), displayed on a disposable plate not to exceed 6”, covered with plastic wrap. The winner from each Fair will be eligible to enter at the Fall District Competition in October
Dublin Women's Institute
Halton Hills Public Library Acton Branch
$10.00 to the high point winner in the following sections:
68. Group A, Baking (sections 1-4)
69. Group B, Baking (sections 11-16)
70. Group C, Baking (sections 27-31)
71. Group D, Baking (sections 45-50)
$10.00 to the high point winner in the following sections:
72. Group A, Crafts (sections 5-10)
73. Group B, Crafts (sections 17-26)
74. Group C, Crafts (sections 32-44)
75. Group D, Crafts (sections 51-61)
79S. "R" Fund Junior Work Award
A $10.00 prize will be awarded to the Junior Exhibitor (16 years or under) for Judge's Choice in Class 68
Mayor Ann Lawlor's Junior Community Challenge
Sponsored by Mayor Ann Lawlor
Open to all Junior & Special Needs Exhibitors, all age groups and classes
Must be the original design of exhibitor, on cardstock or Bristol Board.
Age to be written on the back of the entry tag
In celebration of 2024 as the 50th Anniversary of the formation of the Town of Halton Hills, create an original poster with the theme "Home Town Proud" incorporating images and text to highlight the history, favorite places, interesting features, hidden gems, activities or whatever you think best shows our town at its finest
Winning entries will be gratefully retained by Mayor Lawlor after the fair
80S. Juniors ages 8 & under
81S. Juniors ages 9-16
Class 69: Special Needs Students
"Special Needs" may be defined as mental or physical. Age is not a factor however the exhibitor must still be attending school
Work must be done by the exhibitor, although some assistance is acceptable
1. Favourite Jam or Jelly Sandwich or Wrap, can be apple butter - display on disposable plate, not to exceed 6” (15.24cm), covered in plastic or placed in a re-sealable bag
2. Best Muffin (2) - display on disposable plate, not to exceed 6” (15.24cm), covered in plastic or placed in a re-sealable bag
3. No bake cookie or square (2) - display on disposable plate, not to exceed 6” (15.24cm), covered in plastic or placed in a re-sealable bag
5. Painted rock, as a bee
6. A page from a colouring book, adult or child’s version
7. Using a clothes pin as a base, make a bee
8. Using your hand print, make an apple tree.
Can add tissue or paper for added details
9. A favourite piece of school work completed by the exhibitor
10. Decorate a terra cotta flower pot
4S. Most Points in Baking
Sponsored by Tania Tetreault
$10.00 will be awarded to the Exhibitor winning most points in sections 1-3
11S. "R" Fund Crafts Award
Sponsored by the "R" Fund
$15.00 will be awarded to the Exhibitor winning most points in sections 5-10
Class 70: 4-H Club Work
Rules & Information:
Open to all 2023-2024 4-H Clubs
40” (102cm) of space will be provided to each club. Backdrop to be supplied by each club
Exhibits must be planned by club members on some educational aspect of the club project
Club name must be clearly shown on display
Entries must be submitted to the secretary no later than Tuesday, September 12th so that space may be reserved
Exhibits must be arranged by 11:00 am on Thursday, September 19th
No article may be removed before 5:00 pm on Sunday, September 22
All entries will receive $25.00
Class 99: Fair Board Specials
Winning entries in each section will be retained on day of judging
1S. President's Special: 1 Apple Caramel Pie
Sponsored & judged by John Miller, Acton Ag Society President
2S. 1st Vice-President's Special: 4 Nanaimo Bars (2"x2")
Sponsored & Judged by Matt Andrews, Acton Ag Society 1st Vice-President
3S. 2nd Vice-President's Special: Apple Pie
Sponsored & judged by Evan Totty, Acton Ag Society 2nd Vice-President
4S. Past President's Special: 4 Butter Tarts, with strawberries or raspberries
Sponsored & judged by Dave Somerville, Acton Ag Society Past President
5S. Past President's Special: Lemon Squares
(8"x8" pan)
Sponsored & judged by George Henderson, Acton Ag Society Past President
6S. Director's Special: 4 Blueberry Tarts
Sponsored & judged by Holly Goldie, Acton Ag Society Director
7S. Fair Secretary Special: Tiramisu
Sponsored & Judged by Kat Adamson, Acton Ag Society Secretary. Get creative! No nuts or coconut please!
8S. Homecrafts President's Special
Sponsored & judged by Kathryn Lynch, Homecrafts President
Known in Western Canada as Matrimonial Bars, the East as Date Crumble, or here in Ontario as Date Squares, your best 8"x8" pan, include the recipe & any family notes you wish to share
9S. Homecrafts' Treasurer's Special: 4 Lemon Brownies
Sponsored & judged by Hilda Looyenga, Homecrafts Treasurer. 1st, 2nd & 3rd place entries will be gratefully retained on day of judging. The non-selected may be picked up by the competitors Thursday night.
Class 100: Community Challenge
The ultimate goal of the Community Challenge is to help those in need. With this in mind, & whether you as an exhibitor, enter one item or several, ALL entries will be gratefully retrieved by the Homecrafts Members for distribution after the Fair, to the charity/cause as noted in each section. Prizes awarded based solely on number of items received in each section.
100S. Most Preemie Hats
Sewn or knitted, made by one person or one group or organization. Items will be donated to the Guelph Hospital
101S. Most Comfort Shawls and/or Lap Blankets
Knit and/or crochet, made by one person, or one group or organization. Items will be donated to the Waterloo Wellington Regional Cancer Program at Guelph Hospital
102S. Most Comfort Dolls
Knitted or crocheted, made by one person or one group or organization. These dolls will be donated to Bethel Church's Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. This is a ministry of Samaritan's Purse - they send shoeboxes to children in third world countries at Christmas. Make little dolls, the boxes are 18cmx10.5cmx28.5cm (7"x4"11")
103S. Most Cotton Chemo Hats
Made by one person, or one group or organization. Items will be donated to the Waterloo Wellington Regional Cancer Program at Guelph Hospital